To be awarded Healthy Living Pharmacy status pharmacies must demonstrate...
Read More197 Stanstead Road, London SE23 1HU
020 8690 6060

Prescription Service
We offer a FREE Repeat Prescription Collection & Delivery Service within our local community and neighbouring areas. Simply, let us know what repeat medicines you need.

Vaccination Services
We offer Influenza – Flu Vaccination Service, both private and NHS funded. We provide the Meningitis Vaccine (ACWY) for people travelling for HAJJ and UMRAH and we also provide a free certificate.

Contraception Service
Save yourself some time when you next need your contraceptive pill. Our pharmacist can provide you with your next supply of your contraceptive pill.
This free service is funded by the NHS.

The Pharmacy First scheme provides advice, treatment and medicines for common ailments from the Forest Hill Pharmacy, without the need for a visit to a general practitioner (GP) or another healthcare professional.
Erectile Dysfunction
At Forest Hill Pharmacy, a one-to-one private consultation with our pharmacist makes it easy to get the treatment you need; simply fill out a medical questionnaire with our pharmacist to help assess your case and, if appropriate, you will be issued a suitable treatment.
The way the NHS provides prescriptions to patients is changing, patients can have their prescriptions created and sent electronically directly from their GP to our Forest Hill Pharmacy.
Prescription Service
Simply, let us know what repeat medicines you need, a few days before they run out.
This service makes obtaining the most commonly needed vaccinations as well as other travel immunisations easy and convenient.
Vaccination Service
We take pride in preparing, training and developing our professional knowledge and skills and we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service; delivering exceptional quality of products, professional advice and healthcare.

Healthy Life Style Advice
The pharmacist on duty and our trained assistants are available for advice on all medicines and minor ailments as well as on appropriate use of non-prescription medicines, in private if required, within the privacy of our consultation room.

Mobility and Living Aids
At Forest Hill Pharmacy we provide products and advice to make your day-to-day as comfortable as possible. We have a comprehensive selection of mobility and daily living aids so you can enjoy your freedom and keep on going in life.

Medicines and Supplements
We stock a wide range of over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and mineral supplements. If we do not stock the item you require, we can order it for you.
Travel Vaccination Clinic
Travel Clinic Services – available for the entire family. Our pharmacist on duty is always glad to give advice about avoiding sunburn, tummy upsets, malaria and other holiday risks as well as recommend remedies for many holiday ailments. We stock a comprehensive range of products and everyday holiday items